Jungle World Publishing

Our Mission:

Our nonfiction, informational picture books, and activity books are written in the middle of the jungle by a Belizean naturalist who works with local guides and researchers who visit from all over the world.

Jungle World Publishing introduces budding biologists and curious researchers to critters of a biodiverse tropical jungle, from Orchids to years-old sacred Maya trees, from Peanut-head Lantern bugs to monkeys.

Jungle World hopes to share this part of the world with conservation educators, kids, and grandkids five to twelve years old.

It all began with a beautiful German Shepherd who loved the jungle.


Phone and Whatsapp US#1-954-636-1107 and Belizean Jungle 501-670-4790

From Inside My Maya Jungle – I Love Crocodiles

Written by Dr. Frank Mazzotti and Blanca Manzanilla Howells

Illustrated by Kathleen Gadeken